Maths Recovery

Maths Recovery is an intensive maths programme that targets children who may be experiencing difficulties with maths.

This programme has been tailored to meet the needs of the students in our school school. It consists of three different parts; Maths Recovery, Maths Blast and Maths Factor. The three different parts are rotated throughout the school year so that first and second classes get to experience each activity:

  1. Maths Recovery – one to one instruction for our pupils who need it most. I carry this out four to five times a week for half hour sessions. It is great to see the difference this can make to our boys. These one-to one sessions are suspended while the class is doing Maths Factor.
  2. Maths Blast – 10/15 minutes of maths recovery activities at a whole class level. Initially I go in to the classroom for this and model the activities. The class teacher then takes over and implements the programme throughout the rest of the year.
  3. Maths Factor – a four week period of maths activities with the children in small groups for an hour daily. Each of the six teachers involved do different activities with each group for ten minutes. The activities are based around number words, numerals, counting and grouping. The children work at their own pace and ability level.