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Maths Recovery is an intensive maths programme that targets children who may be experiencing difficulties with maths. We have worked hard and built on last years' success by extending this programme to second class.
We have tailored the programme to the needs of our school. It consists of three different parts; Maths Recovery, Maths Blast and Maths Factor. The three different parts are rotated throughout the school year so the that first and second classes get to experience each activity
Maths Recovery-
Maths Blast -
Maths Factor -
I would like to thank all the staff involved in the programme this year. The first and second class teachers and SNAs, Mr.O'Driscoll, Mrs. O'Driscoll and Mr. Geaney. A special thank you to newly retired Margaret Walsh who volunteered (was roped in!) as an extra teacher and gave up her own time to help with Maths Factor in second class.
So far this year second class completed their Maths Factor. As you can see from the pictures they thoroughly enjoyed it. In the new year both first classes can look forward to it and I wish to thank in advance Mr. Geffers , Mr. Foley and Mrs. Kelleher who will be helping out.
Finally I want to share with you a story that illustrates that Maths Recovery is not just for children struggling with maths. Mrs. Walsh's Maths Factor activity was number words. She got to the very end of the activities with one of her groups. They asked her what was next and she said that they would be learning how to count back from one million in sevens! To her shock and delight a boy provided her with the next number and the next...could you?! Not bad for second class!