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Enrolment Form 22/23
Please attach a copy of your child’s birth and baptismal certificates.
Pupil’s Name: _______________________P.P.S.N. ________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________________ Home Tel No: ____________________
Religion: ________________________ Start Date: ____________________
Previous School: ___________________________ Class: _______________
Father’s Name: _____________________ Occupation: ________________
Email address: ____________________ Mobile No: _________________
Mother’s Name: _____________________ Occupation: ________________
Email address: ____________________ Mobile No: _________________
No. of children in family: _______________ Place of child: _______________
Family Doctor: _______________________ Tel: _______________________
Do you hold a medical card? Yes/No
Details of any illness or problem, which may affect your child’s school life:
In the event of there being nobody at home we need phone numbers and addresses of relatives/neighbours of your choice who can be contacted:
Name: ________________________ Name: _________________________
Address: ______________________ Address: ________________________
Tel: __________________________ Tel: ____________________________
Relationship and Sexuality Education Information
St. Patrick’s B.N.S. follows the Relationship and Sexuality Education Programme (R.S.E.) and Stay Safe Programme as laid down by the Department of Education and Science.
An outline of R.S.E. and Stay Safe lessons will be made available to Parents/Guardians before the lessons are taught each year.
The R.S.E. policy is available for viewing through the School Secretary’s office. Copies are available on request.
By signing below I confirm being made aware of my choice to withdraw my child from areas of the R.S.E. and Stay Safe programme.
Also please read carefully and tick where appropriate;
I understand that the principal and teachers use the Aladdin App for
Parents/Pupils for most of school communication/ notifications to parents.
I give permission for the following:
My child to use the internet for educational purposes
My child’s image to appear on the school website,
on press photographs taken on school activities and on any other
The transfer of data to any school or institution with which my child is involved in order to facilitate educational provision
The participation of my child in educational trips and tours
Signed: Parent’s/Guardian’s signature(s):
____________________________ _____________________________
Dated: _________________